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Advanced Deep Tissue Massage

This is a specific massage that focuses on releasing the deeper myofascial restrictions of the deeper muscles, tendons and ligaments within the body and working with the connective tissue in our body called fascia. It is also referred to as myofascial release. Myofascial release is growing in popularity, science and research are supporting it as necessary in traditional healthcare.

A fascia (/ˈfæʃ(i)É™/; plural fasciae /ˈfæʃii/; adjective fascial; from Latin: "band") is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilises, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Fascia is classified by layer, as superficial fascia, deep fascia, and visceral or parietal fascia, or by its function and anatomical location.


Like ligaments, aponeuroses, and tendons, fascia is made up of fibrous connective tissue containing closely packed bundles of collagen fibres oriented in a wavy pattern parallel to the direction of pull. Fascia is consequently flexible and able to resist great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibres has been straightened out by the pulling force. These collagen fibres are produced by fibroblasts located within the fascia.


Fasciae are similar to ligaments and tendons as they have collagen as their major component. They differ in their location and function: ligaments join one bone to another bone, tendons join muscle to bone, and fasciae surround muscles and other structures. Source Wikipedia


In a normal healthy state, fascia is relaxed, soft and wavy in pattern. It has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. However, fascia can become thickened, or “bound down”. This can happen because of overuse, injury, inflammation, scarring after surgery or just habitual poor posture.


When fascia is injured, it heals and protects itself by laying down fibres, called scar tissue.  Scar tissue formation creates abnormal strain patterns resulting in pain and tightness and decreased range of motion. This can lead to muscular imbalances causing further complications or injuries. Neural and vascular structures can also become trapped in these fascial restrictions resulting in neurological or ischemic conditions.


Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage techniques free these restrictions within the fascial network. These techniques along with Trigger Point Therapy work through fascial adhesion's in order to relieve pain, tightness, increase range of motion, as well as providing re-alignment and balance throughout the body.​


What can you expect?​

Following your consultation to identify any areas of pain or tension. The therapist will work through the body or just a specific area to detect any areas that are painful, stiff or knotted applying slow, deep pressure using verious techniques and moving though each and every fascial restriction. The fascia cannot be forced as it will naturally meet that force in return. Hence a sustained, gentle, pressure is applied, allowing the fascia to elongate naturally and return to its normal resting length. The techniques are very different to that of a relaxing massage.


The therapist will work with the client to establish the main areas of discomfort. Throughout the treatment the therapist will use client feedback to work through the areas. The massage and process of working deep within the muscle can be painless and the therapist will always work within the clients’ comfort zone.


This type of massage may also bring about an emotional release during a session, as with other touch therapies. Our bodies hold onto emotions deep within layers of the body. It is not unusual for clients to cry, sigh, shout out or say unusual things. This is all perfectly natural and nothing to be concerned about.

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